Favourite uplifting movie quotes.
Just a quick and short post, whilst I have the time! I feel like I've been in a bit of a slump lately, so I thought I'd do this post that could possibly help out anyone In a similar mood, and in need of a bit of cheering up.
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important." - The Help.
Even though this isn't really grammatically correct, this is actual quote, and I love it because it's so up lifting and refreshing, especially when you need it. The film itself is a tearjerker, but this is just a little feel good quote if you're feeling a little down yourself! You need to remember that you are the most important person in your life, and you need to be your main focus sometimes!!"Destruction is a form of creation." - Donnie Darko.
This is from one of my all time favourite films, and this is also a feel good quote in my eyes, be used to me it says that no matter how down you are, or how much you could hate yourself in that time, whatever happens, just makes you a better person in the future. Anything you overcome eventually creates the person that you are today, so by destroying that old self, you're only creating a better you."You can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love." - The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
This one is really true, because it isn't love, and it isn't good for you. By putting everyone in front of yourself you're just going to get taken advantage of, and I've come to realise lately that sometimes you have to put yourself first, or you have to stand up for yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that. You can get through life letting people walk all over you, just to fuel your need to feel loved, because that's not love, nor friendship.